Legal notices

Date of last update : September 16th 2024

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6 III, 19 and 20 of Law n°2004-575 of June 21st, 2004 on the digital economy confidence, it is brought to the attention of users and visitors of the website these legal notices. OXI’s website is accessible at the following Web address: (hereinafter the “Website”). Access and use of the Website are subject to these “Legal Notices” detailed below as well as to applicable laws and / or regulations. Connection, use and access to the Website imply full and unreserved acceptance by the user of all the provisions of the Legal Notice.


By virtue of article 6 III of Law n°2004-575 of June 21st, 2004 on the digital economy confidence, it is specified in this article the identity of the various stakeholders within the framework of the realization and the Website monitoring.

1.1. Site Editor
The Website is edited by:
OXI, SAS with share capital of 4,000.00 euros, registered with the RCS of PARIS under number 902 330 059, whose intra-community VAT number is FR 34 902 330 059, and the registered office is at 25 Rue Du Clos 75020 PARIS, FRANCE.

Contact :
Phone. : +33 (0) 7 63 93 85 26
Email address:

1.2. Director of Website Publications
The Website’s Publications Director is:
Lucie SABATIER, in her capacity as President of SAS OXI with share capital of 4,000.00 euros, registered with the PARIS RCS under number 902 330 059, whose intra-community VAT number is FR 34 902 330 059, and the registered office registered office is located at 25 Rue Du Clos 75020 PARIS, FRANCE.

Contact :
Phone. : +33 (0) 7 63 93 85 26
Email address:

1.3. Website host
The Website is hosted by Gandi, with a share capital of 140,883.49 registered with the RCS of PARIS at number B 847 727 914 and whose registered office is at 63 boulevard Masséna 75013 PARIS, FRANCE.

Contact :
Phone. : +33 (0) 1 70 37 76 61
Email address: 

1.4. Website users
All Internet users who browse, read, view and use the Website are considered to be users.


The Website is built on the open-source WordPress content management system.


The Website is, in principle, accessible to Users 24/7, except for interruption, scheduled or not, accidental or not, for maintenance needs or in the event of force majeure.
If the User is unable to access the Website, the Publisher undertakes to do its utmost to restore access as quickly as possible.
The Publisher cannot be held responsible for any damage of any kind whatsoever resulting from the unavailability of the Website.


The Publisher reserves the right to update the Legal Notice at any time. Consequently, the Publisher invites the User to frequently consult this Internet page in order to become acquainted with it.


For any report of illegal content or activities, the User can contact the Publisher at the following e-mail address:, or by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt sent to the address of the Headquarters of the Publisher.

6. Photo credits

– Metallica : Mathieu Grondin / Black Stain Studio
– Jardin Sonore : Les Tarpin Loin